Tuesday, February 17, 2009

2009 begins

So, not much has been going on so far this year. We are busy surviving. We all got a touch of the stomach flu a few weeks ago. It wasn't that bad. Dustin and Alexis both threw up once and were done, and the rest of us just got horrid stomach aches and sat around for a day. Emily is currently playing basketball, but we haven't got any good pictures of that. She is also starting softball soon. Dustin is now complaining that he wants to play again and we need to sign him up. He is doing really well with his reading and is very excited about that. He kept telling me all last summer that he wanted to learn how to read so that he could play video games better. The picture is of him getting a star student award. Apparantly they only hand these out a couple of times a year, and this was the first time this year. He is a huge teachers pet. He would do anything to please her, so it kind of didn't surprise me that he got it. Alexis has been asking me to help her write her name, so I write it and she picks the letters at random and writes them all over the page, but they look right, so that is a good start. Mike and I both started back to school. We are now in week four. Only three and a half more years...


Williams Family Dirt said...

Yeah an update! Good luck studying, it is not easy--but well worth the time and effort! Hugs to you all!

Karrie said...

Only three and half more years? Wow. But it'll be worth it in the end. I cling to me formal education with my life (it's my back-up plan in case Ryan dies and I need to support the family- it's also how I plan to feed four teenagers who are 6feet tall and have my metabolism. YIKES!) I take an online class every now and then, and I read about what interests me. Good luck with your efforts- it'll be hard with a family and all, but YOU CAN DO IT! (That's as cheerleaderish as I get. I'm a sorry cheerleader.)

Karrie said...

"I cling to me formal education..." what am I, a pirate?
Sorry for the typo- it happens a lot.

Jen Wolff said...

So like what's your majors? Don't go into teaching. There won't be any jobs for a very long time!!!